Luv your body and mind

"The part can never be well, unless the whole is well." -PLAto

My journey of body positivity and wellness was transformative – I discovered that real beauty and strength aren't found in restrictive diets or grueling hours in the gym. Instead, it's in balance—especially as I navigate my vibrant, fulfilling life as a working mother to two radiant children.

busy mother working out with children at home

Real beauty and strength aren't found in restrictive diets or grueling hours in the gym. If you don’t feel good about what you’re doing, it is likely that any progress made will ultimately be unsustainable. Instead, the key to success is finding balance and nurturing a positive mindset towards all aspects of your physical health. This is why I employ a holistic approach to diet and fitness:

  • Change the way you feel about nutrition and exercise

  • Discover delicious meal plans

  • Receive workouts tailored to your busy life

  • Enhance your mobility

  • Ignite muscle growth

  • Improve flexibility, balance and coordination

  • Strengthen your heart

  • Enjoy sustainable, life-changing results

Rejoice in the body you've always dreamed of. Yet, remember the essence of a satisfying life isn't solely about achievement. Yes, I can guide you towards your health and fitness goals, but I'm also here to help you cherish family, work, social connections, and tender self-care. 

Find a wellspring of inspiration on my YouTube channel:

  • Dive into diverse workouts

  • Uncover illuminating nutrition tips

  • Absorb motivational and educational videos

  • And so much more!

  • I hadn’t done any exercise for a long time! Having 3 children I found it really hard to find something or someone to help me loose the weight and get fit that fitted into my life’s routine. Natalia is always there to help and fits into my days Routine we manage to get a really good workout done even with two little ones around. I feel so much more confident! I’ve lost weight and people around me have also noticed, I feel so much better having a healthier lifestyle thanks to Natalia. I really enjoy the workouts I get given and it’s great that Natalia changes them every 4 weeks so we do something different. Thank you Natalia

    Georgia M.

  • The marathon was AMAZING! It kept me motivated from day to day, I felt stronger, lighter, healthier. I sleep better! I used to suffer with quite severe mood swings during PMS. Last month I and my family noticed a huge improvement in terms of that!!! Massive thank you! 🙂 I will carry on.💪🏻💗

    Sabina B.

  • I don’t agree, the fact that I reached the end of the marathon is not really about me, it’s about you, because this is the first marathon that I completed from start to finish! 😃 I am very grateful for the feedback, for the words during training “get up you can” and you really get up and continue. When walking and during training, I felt how much easier my body felt and moved 😃 the squats I hated became easy for me 😃 the best thing from training is that I got this feeling, I don’t know how to describe it, calm, peace, calm confidence, energy, this is what gave me the motivation to continue, not even the external form. From what has changed, I now weigh 2 kg less, which is even more than I thought, i.e. from 56 to 54, considering that my norm was always 55, even before pregnancy. I am so damn grateful for you and for the training and for the feedback and for explaining how to do it right and for the motivation! I’m very happy, first of all, with my condition and the feeling of lightness, energy and calmness, and of course, finally the changes in my body, so I’m looking forward to the continuation as soon as possible 🙏😁

    Svetik Svetlii